API Class Properties

This section explains what all are the classes and properties that should be defined to work with Code 192 Dashboard Server API.


This class will be defined to post the required values to the Code 192 Dashboard Server API.

Properties Description
ItemId Unique Identification for an item
Name Name of the item
Description Description of the item
CategoryId CategoryId of the dashboard
DoOverWrite Do we need to overwrite the existing dashboard/widget
ItemContent Byte value of physical item
UserName Username of the user who wants to access the API
PassWord Password of the user
VersionComment Comment/description for the new version
ItemType Type of an item
UserId UserId which helps to get the user details
GroupId GroupId used to get the user list
EncryptedString To get the username and password, the system has to send the encrypted combination of User Id and Machine Id.
ReportName Contains name of a report
ExportTypeId Exports dashboards into image file
QueryString Encrypted querystring of applied filters
ItemViewName Name of the item view
ItemViewId Id of the item view
FavoriteValue To make dashboard as favorite
IsPublic To make dashboard as visible to everyone


This class will be defined to receive the response from the Code 192 Dashboard Server API endpoint.

Properties Description
Status Status of current API
FileContent Bytes values of a physical item
ResponseContent It holds the content of any anonymous type values.
StatusMessage Shows success/failure message about particular action
ItemName Name of an item
ItemType Type of an item
PublishedItemId Unique Id of the published item
UserList Contains the list of user details
GroupList Contains the list of group details
SystemSettingsResponse Holds the system settings of Dashboard Server
UserDetailResponse Contains the user details
ItemsView Holds the list of the item views
ItemViewId Id of a item view


This class will be defined to receive the response from the Code 192 Dashboard Server Group API endpoint.

Properties Description
Id Id of the group
ActiveDirectoryGroupId Id of an Active Directory group
Name Name of a group
Color Color indication of the group
Description Description of the group
CanDelete Whether the group has permission to delete
Users Users present in the group
UsersCount Users counts of a group
IsActiveDirectoryGroup Whether the group is import from Active Directory


This class will be defined for ExportType enum values.

Values Description
Excel Converts SYDX file into excel format
HTML Converts SYDX file into HTML format
PDF Converts SYDX file into PDF format
Word Converts SYDX file into word format
Image Converts SYDX file into image format


This class will be defined to receive the response from the Code 192 Dashboard Server UserDetail API endpoint.

Properties Description
Avatar Avatar of an user
ContactNumber Contact information of an user
CreatedDate User created date
Email Email of an user
FirstName First name of an user
LastName Last name of an user
ModifiedDate User modified date
TimeZone User's application timezone
UserId Id of an user
UserName Username of the user who wants to access the API
DisplayName This name will be displayed through out the application.
IsActiveDirectoryUser Whether the User imported from Active Directory user
IsActive Shows the status of an user
Status Shows the status of current API


This class will be defined to receive the response from the Code 192 Dashboard Server ItemDetail API Endpoint.

Properties Description
CanRead Whether the user has permission to read the item.
CanWrite Whether the user has permission to write the item.
CanDelete Whether the user has permission to delete the item.
CanSchedule Whether the user has permission to schedule the item.
CanOpen Whether the user has permission to open/read the item.
CanMove Whether the user has permission to move the item to another category.
CanCopy Whether the user has permission to copy the item to same/another category.
CanClone Whether the user has permission to clone the item to same/another category.
Id Id of an Item
ItemType Type of an Item
Name Name of an Item
Description Description for an Item
TrimmedDescription Description will be trimmed if the length exceeds 40
CreatedById User Id of the Item creator
CreatedByDisplayName Display name of the creator of the Item
ModifiedById User Id of the Item modifier
ModifiedByFullName Fullname of the Modifier
CategoryId Id of the category
CategoryName Name of the category
CreatedDate Created date of item
ModifiedDate Modified date of item
IsCreatedByActive Status of the creator
IsModifiedByActive Status of the modifier
ItemModifiedDate Modified date of the item in string format
ItemCreatedDate Created date of the item in string format
CloneOf CLoned item id of the item
Extension Extension of the item


This class will be defined to receive the response from the Code 192 Dashboard Server ItemView API Endpoint.

Properties Description
UserId Id of the user
ViewId Id of the item view
ItemName Name of the item
CategoryName Name of the category
ItemId Id of the item
ViewName Name of the item view
QueryString Querystring of the filter
CanEdit Whether the user has Edit permission
CanDelete Whether the user has Delete permission
CanShare Whether the user has Share permission
IsActive Status of the Item view


This class will be defined to receive the response with the EntityData in runtime data type.

Properties Description
result Holds the list of data in anonymous data type
count It denotes Result count


This class will be defined to the item type Enum values.

Values Description
Category Category Type
Dashboard Dashboard Type
Report Report Type
Datasource Datasource Type
Dataset Dataset Type
File File Type
Schedule Schedule Type
Widget Widget Type


This class will be defined to get the Response of the Code 192 Dashboard Server API.

Properties Description
ApiStatus Status of the API Endpoint
Data Data to be sent by the API Endpoint


This class will be defined to get the system settings details from Code 192 Dashboard Server API Endpoint.

Properties Description
DateFormat Format of the displayed date
FavIcon Byte value of the uploaded favicon image
LoginLogo Byte value of the uploaded Login logo
MainScreenLogo Byte value of the uploaded Main screen logo
OrganizationName Name of the Organization
TimeZone Timezone of the application
WelcomeNoteText Welcome text displayed on login page.