Active Directory Settings

This section explains what are the Active Directory details needed and how to configure Active Directory with the Code 192 Dashboard Server.

Active Directory Settings

You will need the below Active Directory details to configure Code 192 Dashboard Server with your Active Directory

  • Username and Password - username and password of the user who is present in the Active Directory domain
  • LDAP URL - IP or DNS name of the Windows Server where you have Active Directory Domain Services enabled. For example, LDAP://
  • Distinguished Name - FQDN of the Active Directory. Follow the below procedure to find out the Distinguished Name of your Active Directory
    1. Go to Run(Win + R) and type sysdm.cpl in a machine which is connected to the Active Directory or in the Windows Server where you have Active Directory Domain Services enabled

    Run sysdm.cpl

    1. The System Properties dialog will be opened and you can find the Distinguished Name labeled as Domain

    Distinguished Name - Domain

    For example, if your Domain is, then you have to type in as dc=www,dc=example,dc=com

  • Enable/Disable SSL connection to Active Directory - Enable this checkbox, if your Windows Server needs SSL connection to connect
  • Port Number - Default port for Non-SSL connections is 389 and for SSL connections is 636